Manifestation and the Benefits of Positive Psychology
The human mind is a powerful entity, is it not? It is capable of so much, from thoughts, to dreams, to the creation of such beautiful, powerful ideas we as a species have benefitted so much from. Our entire world, the way we perceive it, the people around us, our life circumstances, are so often dependent on our thoughts, our way of thinking. So, what if our thoughts held weight, intrinsic power, that could alter our reality? What if, just thinking of something, genuinely and without doubt or fear, could get us exactly what we want in life? Do we really hold that much influence within us?
Manifestation is what it’s being called lately, but what it really means, is focusing so thoroughly on a desired outcome, that it actually comes true. So, what exactly is the process? Well, it involves a lot of dreaming, which is honestly my favorite part. When we start to create the reality we desire in our heads, for instance, what our life will look like in detail when we receive our manifestation, we can slowly start to see us achieving success, all that we want, in a clearer way. And then we write it all down, in whatever fashion suits us best. I personally like to journal every day to clear the jumble of thoughts in my head, but also, to dream. What if I received this manifestation? What if things actually worked out the way I wanted them to? How would my life look? How would I feel? Where would I be? Who would I be surrounded by?
Next, we let go of doubts, fears, and anything that stands in the way of achieving our desires. That means, getting rid of all those thoughts our brains seem to inundate us with the minute we start something new, like “What if I fail?”, “I’m not cut out for this”, “I don’t think I’m going to make it”, “I’m not smart enough/strong enough/capable enough to get what I want”. All that negative self-talk needs to be worked through and tossed out of our heads.
Now, here’s the important part. So much of manifestation involves positive psychology. We are literally training our brains to change our thought patterns, and of course, it won’t be easy, at first anyway. After all, we are habitual, and if we haven’t worked on ourselves, or have continued to feed our negative thoughts by focusing our energy onto them, by giving them power, it will take time. But don’t get discouraged. The more you practice, the easier it gets to stop those thought patterns right before they turn into a full-blown spiral.
Over time, we will start to see little changes once we can employ this step. When we start to go down a path of “I’m not good enough”, we must change our thinking, radically, into considering, “What if I am good enough?”, “What if this outcome that I desire, this thing that I want, is actually meant for me, and the only one getting in the way of it all, is myself?”. Life is already hard enough without adding fuel to the fire with our own self-doubt and fears. Once we realize just how much easier it all gets when we get out of our own way, a whole world of endless possibilities opens up! After all, how can we expect to get what we want, to manifest our dreams into reality, when we can’t even believe in ourselves to make them a reality?
Once we start to immerse ourselves in the positive self-talk, to cross out the negative thoughts and fears and doubts, and replace them with genuine, honest, self-love and self-respect, we start to notice little changes. Our days become less chaotic, not because bad things stop happening, but because we are better equipped to handle them when they do happen. And I want to really stress that. Manifesting doesn’t mean canceling out all the negative things that happen in our lives, because that is simply impossible. No matter who you are in life, a millionaire, a struggling artist, a student, or anyone, there will always be hardship, there will always be something that goes wrong. But the power of manifestation, of paying close attention to the thoughts we have, our reactions to the events that happen to us, means that we are able to handle the “bad” so much better than before. After all, anything can become a growth moment, a chance to work on ourselves, a chance to respond to life in a healthy, non-toxic manner.
And when good things happen, well we must really learn to embrace these moments as well. As we pour in our energy and gratitude to all the good things in our lives, all the things that give us joy and peace, no matter how small, we start to notice more and more things to be grateful for that we already have inside of us! Mindfulness and gratitude are two huge pillars in the art of manifestation, and of course they are! Because manifestation, to its core, is the belief that we each have exactly what we desire, what we truly want, within us at all times. We just have to work to chisel it all out of us.
Which brings me to the final stage of manifestation, doing the actual work. No matter how hard you believe something, no matter how strongly your desire is, nothing will change without kinetic action. We need to believe so thoroughly in ourselves, to work through the doubts and fears within us, that when it comes to putting in the actual effort, suddenly it becomes easy! Because when we are working toward our goals, with a genuine heart and mind, we are literally becoming who we want to be, just by doing the work itself. We need to behave, think, and be the people we want to be, to work like the person we want to be, and then, one day, we get to look around and see that things have changed. In the midst of our growth, our genuineness, we realize that we have created the exact reality that we want, although it can come in many different forms.
Now, with all this in mind, I want to point out that though manifesting can be a journey anyone can undertake, it isn’t a cure-all/fix-all to everything. After all, mental health issues, traumatic life circumstances, and class and racial divides are heavily existent in today’s world, and preaching manifestation to people in dire situations is very tone deaf. But what I do believe in, is a human being’s potential, spirit, and willpower. It’s what led me down the path of psychology and it’s why I’ve worked in the mental health field for 7 years now, with a diverse range of different populations, and have seen incredible, inspiring progress, firsthand. We, as a species, are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for, than we even know of. There is simply so much of the universe, of the human mind, that remains a mystery, so why not believe that it can have the potential to alter reality? After all, so much in our society, in our world today came from a single thought, a “what if”. So, instead of doubting and disbelieving, I continue to stay curious, to open my mind up to vast possibilities. Because I believe we have more power, more control over our own destinies than we know.