Healing isn’t Linear, it is a Spiral

Trisha Srigiriraju
2 min readApr 3, 2023
Photo by Luke White on Unsplash

Healing is not linear, it is a spiral.

I have found that the wounds we develop through our lives, oftentimes in childhood, will be triggered over and over again as we age and mature, through different situations and experiences. Sometimes the lessons come in the form of people, other times, in the form of situations outside of our control, but they are meant to help shed light on our wounds and how we are choosing to face them.

Each time we learn from them and integrate the lessons into healing a small part of that wound, we grow and evolve into a higher state of consciousness, essentially spiraling upwards into feelings of gratitude, peace, acceptance, and joy which eventually lead to a more loving way of being. The more we resist the growth that the triggers are meant to teach us, the more we stay in the same place or spiral downward, into feelings of victimization, cynicism, hatred, and apathy, which eventually lead to hurting ourselves and others.

It helps to see each experience as a way to either spiral up, down, or stay the same. It gives us more agency, more control over the uncontrollable, by realizing that our perception and the way we choose to view the things that happen to us and how we choose to respond, has a direct effect on how situations affect us and who we are as people.

Life is difficult and chaotic and oftentimes uncontrollable, no matter how hard we try to assert our own will upon it. But we have more power, more agency than we think, in the form of perception and response. If we choose to reframe the obstacles into challenges, the mistakes into lessons, the fear into action, we can begin to see just how powerful we truly are.

We become everything we could ever dream of being.



Trisha Srigiriraju

MS Clinical Psych & 10 yrs working in the field. A better world starts within you. I write to inspire self-acceptance & a fresh perspective. Love > Apathy..